Today was my first full regular day, which includes the first day of my study of 8.01 through MIT's Open Courseware.
It went pretty well. Did some exercises, watched a lecture. Since it's the very beginning, it's only up to 1D kinematics, so it's mostly review. I like the style of the textbook though; the problems are actually pretty interesting.
The lectures are given by the somewhat famous Prof. Walter Lewin. He's known for his exciting in-class demonstrations. In the very first lecture, when talking about measurements and accuracies, he gets a kid to come onstage and be measured lying down and standing up to prove that you're an inch taller lying down than standing up.
The most important thing to come ouf of this first day, however, is assurance that it works. That I'll have time each day to devote to this, and so I look forward to learning physics!
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